MLK Day of Greatness

BSU Student Union Building 1700 University Dr, Boise, ID, United States

About Us The MLK Living Legacy Committee is a student-run, student-led and student-funded organization at Boise State University that works to celebrate and reinvigorate the legacy of Dr. King’s message for students. 

Idaho Supports Medicaid Day

Idaho State Capitol 700 W Jefferson, Boise, ID, United States

Review our priority Idaho 2025 Legislative Priority Handout Idaho Medicaid Storybook Idaho 2025 Volunteer Packet - coming soon Idaho Medicaid Expansion Protection talking points: In 2018, Idaho voters passed Medicaid expansion with 60% of the vote, sending a strong message that Idahoans wanted to see increased access to health care for their friends and neighbors. Expansion […]

Operation Advocacy

LINC 1878 W Overland Road, Boise, ID, United States

Operation Advocacy Operation Advocacy (OA) is LINC's annual Legislative day of advocacy in conjunction with the Consortium of Idahoans with Disabilities Fred Riggers Disability Awareness Day. OA involves a day of story telling training, followed by a day of meetings with Idaho State Legislators on issues important to Idahoans with disabilities across the lifespan.