Idaho ranks 43rd in the nation for frequency of tornadoes, with an average of only one or two per year. However, downbursts, macrobursts and microbursts are much more common in the state and can be just as dangerous. Microbursts usually last for about five minutes and can cause wind speeds of more than 160 mph.
What To Do During a Tornado Advisory or Extreme Wind Advisory
- Plan where you are going to go if needed. A cellar or basement is ideal if one is accessible to you, otherwise head to a bathroom, hallway or closet without any windows. Try to put as many walls between you and the storm as possible.
- Mobile homes are not safe in a tornado, nor are sheds, outbuildings, or cars. Find an anchored structure in which to ride out the storm.
- Large buildings with wide-span roofs may collapse if a tornado hits. Do not seek shelter in a church, gymnasium, or auditorium. Try to find a smaller room if you can.
- Keep your pets/service animals nearby. Don’t let them play for long outside in case you need to get them to your designated safe place at a moment’s notice.
- Find a bicycle or motorcycle helmet to put in your safe room as well as a sturdy pair of shoes. Most injuries during tornadoes or microbursts are due to flying debris, so a helmet could literally save your life! Keep a pair of shoes with you in case you need to navigate broken glass or other hazards afterwards.
- If you use a battery-operated wheelchair, life-support system, or other equipment that is power-dependent – call your power company before a power outage threatens. Many power companies maintain maps and lists of the locations of customers who are power-dependent in case of an emergency and offer advice about setting up alternate power sources in case of an emergency. Consider buying a generator that can charge your devices if the power doesn’t return.
- Keep the pathway to the safe room clear of furniture and other obstacles so it can be reached quickly and easily by everyone, including pets/service animals, children, or people with mobility impairments.
- Move life-saving equipment to your safe room or as far away from windows as you can.
Listen to local radio or TV for weather updates. - Keep an eye on the changing weather. The following weather signs may mean that a tornado is approaching:
- A dark or green-colored sky
- A large, dark, low-lying cloud
- Large hail
- A loud roar that sounds like a freight train
Surviving a Tornado or Extreme Wind Event
- Get to your safe room as quickly as possible. If you cannot find your pets/service animal, do not go and search for them. As with other disaster events, animals sometimes prefer to find their own hiding places.
- For added protection get under something sturdy (a heavy table or workbench). Cover your body with a blanket, sleeping bag or mattress. Protect your head with anything available.
- Leave the windows alone when a tornado is coming. It’s a myth that tornadoes cause houses to explode due to changes of air pressure.
- If you can see a tornado, seek shelter immediately. Do not watch to see which direction it is moving in. A tornado is deceptive. It may appear to be standing still but is, in fact, moving toward you.
- Be mindful of workmates, family or friends who may be hearing impaired or those who may not hear tornado warnings because they are sleeping, watching TV, or listening to music.
- Do not pull a fire alarm during a tornado warning unless there is a fire. Otherwise, people may flee a relatively safe building and expose themselves to blowing debris.
Immediately After a Tornado or Major Wind Event
- If you are trapped, attract attention to yourself. Send a text, bang on a wall or pipe, or use a whistle to help rescuers find you.
- Use a cloth or mask to protect your mouth, nose, and eyes from dust.
- If your home is no longer structurally sound, leave immediately! Do not stay inside to search for pets/service animals or valuables. Call 911 for help.
- Check yourself and others (including animals) for signs of injury. Call 911 if needed.
- Put out small fires in your home or neighborhood. Call 911 if needed.
- If you are away from home when a storm hits, you may need to check with local authorities to learn if it is safe to enter your community or neighborhood. Follow the advice of your local authorities. If doors or windows have been cordoned off with yellow tape to indicate damage, do not cut or walk past the tape unless local authorities advise that it is safe to do so. If a structure bears a color-coded sign, do not enter it until you get official information about what the sign means and advice about the safety of entering.
- Put on long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and sturdy shoes before investigating any damage on your own. Use battery-powered flashlights if the power is out and do not use candles in case of a gas leak.
- Watch out for fallen power lines or broken gas lines and report them to the utility company immediately. If you smell gas or hear a blowing or hissing noise, open a window, and get everyone out of the building quickly. From a safe distance, call 911. Use the telephone only for emergency calls. Avoid damaged buildings. Keep all your animals under your direct control.
- Take pictures of damage, both of the building and its contents, for insurance claims.