LEP.gov is a federal inter-agency website that is a repository of information relative to federal requirements and guidance on how federal agencies and recipients of their grant funds are to address limited English proficiency.

HUDLimited English Proficiency webpage

HUD Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) – HUD PIH issued Notice PIH 2024-04 on January 31. This Notice provides guidance to public housing agencies using funds for activities in compliance with federal requirements for providing meaningful access to people with Limited English Proficiency. Read more about the notice.

HUDTranslated Materials

USDALimited English Proficiency Information

Additional agency information on language access:

HUDLanguage Access Plan

Learn more here and here.

USDALanguage Access Plan

Learn more here.

Whitman Legal Solutions, LLC – Dialect Discrimination Violates the Fair Housing Act

In November 2023, the Department of Housing and Urban Development filed a Charge of Discrimination alleging that landlord N. Clark LLC (Landlord) and its managing member Kathleen Cresson unlawfully discriminated against prospective tenants for Landlord’s duplex based on their race and familial status. These alleged actions violate the Fair Housing Act because this law prohibits people from being denied access to housing because of their race, familial status, and other protected classes.